Friday 13 September 2019 2019
On September 13th Paard is the place for everyone who loves sticky floors, husky voices and the feeling of being connected in clubs and at festivals. With a ticket for 155: Lijf you also have free access to Tante Joke Karaoke, the party after 155: Lijf. Perfect for everyone who feels like going on all night!
155: Lijf
We’re starting off in the small hall with a breakdance-collective 115 with ‘Lijf’. A breakdance concert with live music, dance and a story about the notorious night life, the escapism and hedonism, all different kinds of peope you meet on the dancefloor and we’ll finish with an estatic final which will bring you back to the 90s. There’s no limit in this show where the line between the performers and the crowd fades away. 115 played some fantastic shows before at festivals as Lowlands, Sziget and Mundial.