ANNA MEREDITH [geannuleerd]

Wednesday 9 February 2022 2022

Producer, songwriter and composer Anna Meredith gives a glimpse into the head of a hyper energetic composer who has pointed her musical feelers wide open. Her surreal sound can be heard in concert halls, at rock festivals, in PRADA commercials and also live in PAARD on 9th of February. A musician who pushes the boundaries of contemporary classical music, a must see for the adventurous music lover.

Anna Meredith: electronics, vocals, clarinet, drums
Jack Ross: guitar, vocals
Maddie Cutter: cello, vocals
Tom Kelly: tuba, vocals
Sam Wilson: drums, vocals

  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:30

During this tour Meredith’s music can be heard in all its guises. Together with her band – just like Meredith herself, all conservatory graduated musicians and composers – she will perform tracks from their new album FIBS, but her band members also perform some of her previous compositions: Brisk Widow and Gigue for dance mat and electronics.

“ music for the head, the heart, the ass and the feet “