Sunday 26 November 2023 2023

Boekids festival celebrates it’s 20th birthday this year at PAARD on Sunday 26 November. On Boekids you experience the most exciting adventures and you are the main character in your own story.

Please note: this program will be completely in Dutch.

  • €15,50
  • €18,00
  • €13,50
  • Grote Zaal + Kleine Zaal + Foyer
  • 12:00
  • 12:00

Listen or sing along with performances by Claude, Benr and DIEDE (known from K3). Discover the most beautiful books and get to know the authors (including Annet Schaap). Let PaardenpraatTV Britt and Esra entertain you with the best horse stories. Come and get creepy in the mini primal blood museum, dream away in the bubble tent, create your own comic strip or recycle a book into sustainable underpants.

In short: make sure you’re there, there’s plenty to do.