Named after their bandleader, Danko Jones are a Canadian hard rock trio whose bluesy style is rooted in the tradition of Thin Lizzy and AC/DC and whose popularity in Western Europe compensates for their lack of recognition in the United States.
Over the course of six albums, Danko Jones has forged a singular brand of rock ‘n’ roll that draws equally from the blues, ’60s garage, ’70s hard rock and power-pop, ’80s hardcore, ‘90s indie rock and Scandinavian metal—not to mention classic stand-up comedy records—without ever being fully defined by any of those sources. But while built from the same rudiments, each Danko Jones record has possessed a distinct sonic identity and attitude.
The Candadian Danko Jones will bring opening acts from two sides of Europe. The Swedish, by 70’s hard rock inspired band Dead Lord was founded in 2012 with the mission to rock, and they still do. In the meanwhile, they have released multiple albums and EP’s as Goodbye Repentance and Heads Held High. The Spanish Hardrock band 77 has been wandering Europe for years and even released their debut album in Japan in 2010. Since then, the band has seen the studio more than once and will present their fourth album ‘Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us’ in October.