Wednesday 23 May 2018 2018

Because of the huge success of the show on May 24th, an extra show is added May 23rd.

After the success of their release ‘’Rolling With The Punches’’ (with a loaded Afas Live and Edison Nomination) it’s finally time: The Hague’s band DI-RECT tours through the Netherlands with their same-named club tour ‘’Rolling With The Punches’’. After a trip of 10 shows, they’re coming home, to celebrate with us. Here in Paard.


  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:00

The band counts 9 men and knows best how to blow you away. Think of winds and strings, and overwhelming visuals. An experiment originated in Afas Live, but incredibly well executed and worth repeating. May 23rd & 24th , a home match but still special, every time. With their new tracks, we can assure you, you will be blown away again. Pinky promise.

Unfortunately, this show is sold-out already.

“ Grensoverschrijdende, toekomstbepalende plaat van een groep die zichzelf al meerdere malen opnieuw uitvond. De disco op dit album, de soul, de R&B: prachtige verrijkingen van hun rockziel. Rauw en inspirerend “

Edison nominatie over “Rolling With The Punches”