Monday 7 November 2016 2016

Supportact: DadaWaves

  • Grote zaal
  • 18:30
  • 19:00

How would the opening scene of Donnie Darko have looked like without the perfectly chosen soundtrack ‘The Killing Moon’? That blast track comes from the pen of Echo & The Bunnymen; the new-wave sensation from the ’80s. With hits as ‘The Killing Moon’, ‘Silver’, and ‘Bring On The Dancing Horses’ the British group can count itself as one of the most influential tastemakers from the era’. On November 7th show they’ll prove they are still worth their very strong (live) reputation.

DadaWaves is a semi-psychedelic pop band founded by singer/songwriter Jasper Stockmans. The project began as some kind of a home-recording existential-occupational therapy. In 2015 Jasper started playing live with his band and recorded a first album with producer Jeroen Swinnen. On the first album – release in 2016 – DadaWaves is inspired by the superfluity of mankind, which shows itself in a musical hybrid of euphoria and gloominess. Distinctive arrangements and colourful melodies contrast sharply with quite satirical lyrics. Highly recommended for enthusiasts of lively, multilayered and psychedelic pop music!