Sunday 2 June 2024 2024

On June 2, 2024, Italian pianist and composer Fabrizio Paterlini will perform in PAARD’s Small Hall. Fabrizio is known for his neoclassical and minimalist music, which has a calming effect on his listeners. He himself describes his music as similar to a glass of red wine on a summer evening. Together with his family, he still lives in his hometown of Mantua, Italy. The inspiration he draws from this environment can be clearly heard in his compositions.

ambient minimal neo classical
  • €29,00
  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:30

Last October, Fabrizio Paterlini released his most recent work, “Riverscapes. This 13-song album is inspired by the currents, rhythms and stories carried by water. Listeners describe it as emotional, ethereal and tellingly passionate.

Fabrizio says of the album’s lead single, “Discoveries,” that the inspiration for the song comes from the way “riverbanks are characterized by magical spots and nooks and crannies, where you can find tree trunks among bushes and trees carried away by the current, remnants of old ships no longer in use, lush vegetation or dry areas seemingly untouched by water”.