Saturday 4 November 2023 2023

Frank Boeijen, the singer and songwriter from Nijmegen, can count himself as one of the founders of the Dutch song. The hits of Frank, Zwart Wit, Kronenburg Park, De Verzoening and Zeg Me Dat Het Niet Zo Is are now firmly anchored in the collective memory.

  • €28,00 *
  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:00
  • 20:00

Frank Boeijen’s unique voice, his charisma and a set list full of hits and recent work merge into an unforgettable evening on Saturday, November 4, 2023. Go on a musical journey through time that starts in Kronenburgerpark and ends with de Verzoening

“ Het album Subliem Gebaar is als een reddingsboei in moeilijke tijden “