COLLEGE: Weg van het Piekeren

Thursday 23 September 2021 2021

Dutch spoken program!
Psychologist Filip Raes helps you get rid of worrying

Due to the current corona measures, there is limited room available. Via PAARD you buy a ticket to attend the evening in the Grote Zaal. You can score livestream tickets via this link.

We all worry. Some more than others, but no one is waiting for it. It can keep you up all night, or even make you depressed. Yet you can’t just get those compelling thoughts out of your head. In Nooit Meer Piekeren, psychologist and behavioral therapist Filip Raes teaches you how to deal with your worries better. We often think that continuing to think about situations and problems will bring us a solution. But the opposite is true according to Raes. Worrying just gets in the way and stops us from really taking action. Worrying less gives more room in life for things that are really important. During this livestream you will discover how to stay away from worrying and Raes will tell you in clear steps what you can do to free yourself from paralyzing thoughts.


  • Grote zaal met zitplaatsen + online livestream
  • 19:30
  • 20:00

Filip Raes is a clinical psychologist, behavioral therapist and professor of psychology at KU Leuven. He wrote the book ‘Weg van het piekeren’. Nooit Meer Piekeren is presented by Thomas van Zijl, presenter of Haagsch College.