Saturday 16 March 2024 2024

Kraantje Pappie (Alex van der Zouwen) could have had a glamorous career as a hair model, but instead, he succeeded in the music industry. This was not only a relief for his mother but also for the rest of the Netherlands, which had been eagerly anticipating the perfect blend of George Clooney and Ludacris for quite some time. On March 16, you can see him at PAARD!

With his three-part album series ‘Crane,’ the rapper/artist created a grand and distinctive electronic sound, resulting in a collection of gold and platinum hits such as ‘Waar is Kraan?’, ‘Feesttent’, ‘Pompen’, and ‘De Manier’. The album Crane III also achieved platinum status. The fourth album, DADDY, which is also platinum, includes hits like ‘Lil Craney’, ‘Liefde In De Lucht’, and ‘Ik Heb Je Nodig’ and has already garnered more than 120 million streams.

Please note: Kraantje Pappie is giving two shows at PAARD. Pay close attention to the date when purchasing your ticket, either Friday, March 15, or Saturday, March 16. If you have bought a ticket for the wrong date, unfortunately, it cannot be exchanged. Sell your ticket yourself via Ticketswap and purchase a ticket for the correct date.

  • €38,00
  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:00
  • 19:40

In addition to being a hit machine, Craniac is the deputy mayor of Groningen, presenter of (among other things) Home Of Hits, runs his own booking company, and since 2021, he has been the Kraantje Papa of daughter Maeve, whom he – as sober as he is – only dresses in matching designer clothing when the situation explicitly demands it. In addition, he won first place twice (also known as 11th) in Expeditie Robinson and has a second feature film on the way, after sealing his status as the Dutch Hugh Grant with his role in Fuck De Liefde 2.

Support: Romeijn
Romeijn, a 19-year-old true Amsterdammer, is the latest sensation at Top Notch and is taking the music world by storm with his unique approach to urban and hip-hop. His debut single ‘Weer Een Nieuwe Boete’ has achieved remarkable streaming figures, with nearly 1.5 million streams. His other releases are also enjoying popularity, accumulating hundreds of thousands of streams, proving his enduring appeal. His songs illustrate his ability to translate relevant themes into music that is not only catchy and energetic but also innovative. Romeijn’s popularity is evident on platforms like TikTok, where his music is highly popular, showcasing his potential to become a leading figure in the music industry. This potential is further emphasized by his recent significant achievement: opening for none other than Kraantje Pappie. Moreover, a recent live show during the Zomerparkfeest was a tremendous success, guaranteeing a spectacular opening act.