Thursday 16 May 2019 2019

Presented by Projazz and PAARD

The Netherlands most famous trumpet player Eric Vloeimans invites bigband Licks & Brains for a concert with dazzling new versions of his own compositions. The impressive repertoire of Licks & Brains will, ofcourse, not be left out. The 18-headed band makes an attractive danceable mix of jazz put in a blender with a big dash of soul, funk and dance: this bigbands year is 2018 and they’ve already worked together with Benjamin Herman, Joseph Bowie and Kraak & Smaak.

  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:00

The compositions of master trumpet player Vloeimand are put in a new wrapping by the bigband: bombastic and swinging is how it will sound. This makes the atmosphere and energy around the 55-year old trumpet player’s music completely new. The men of Licks & Brains are over the moon with this collaboration: ”With the pieces of Vloeimans we explore new musical paths that other big bands don’t dare to walk.”

“ Die lijnen pasten elkaar als het patroon van een complexe Noorse trui. Dat leidde tot een ideale versmelting. “