Tuesday 8 November 2022 2022

Lizz Wright breathes American music, from jazz to spirituals and even folk. From a young age and as a pastor’s daughter at the local church, the singer was busy picking up music. Lizz became the orchestra leader at the church and was taught to really feel the lyrics. Because of this, the listener can feel the emotion she brings into a song. Wright brings the old classics and today’s music together. Think Ella and Billie, but with a 21st centrury twist.

  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:00
  • 20:00

In 2017, Lizz’ last album Grace (produced by Joe Henry) was released. A record full of cover songs from artists like Bob Dylan, Nina Simone and K.D. Lang. But it also includes her own work, written in collaboration with Maia Sharp. Her first work did not go unnoticed either. “Lean In” from album Freedom & Surrender ended up on the summer playlist of Barack Obama. Gregory Porter also collaborated on one of her songs on the same record.


This concert is a collaboration with ProJazz.

“ “A smooth, dark alto possessed of qualities you might associate with barrel-aged bourbon or butter-soft leather,” “

The New York Times