Wednesday 19 October 2022 2022

On wednesday the 19th of October, Madhara will come to PAARD! Let go and be entranced. Scents, colors and flavors from all over the world come together in Madhara’s music. Souvenirs from India, Brazil, and Turkey are featured in a versatile live experience. Madhara’s set starts small, inviting you to feel and come to a stop in a fast-paced world. And then we go step by step, always a little faster, bigger, more exuberant. Three-part harmony vocals, strings, clarinet, synths, percussion, drums and bass make it easy to get lost in the world of Madhara.

  • €13,50
  • Kleine Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:00

Support: Wilde Kind
Wilde Kind is not your average band. They create an exceptional interplay of emotions by interweaving “bittersweet” lyrics with complex and sultry compositions.

PAARD50 // 21 – 30 October
PAARD celebrates it’s 50th birthday in 2022 and we will honor that with a spectacular party week in October: PAARD50. From October 21, till October 30  during PAARD50  we will celebrate PAARD of the past, PAARD of the future and especially PAARD NOW.

More acts, program and information will follow! Read more at www.paard.nl/en/paard-50.