Thursday 24 November 2022 2022

Mamas Gun is coming to PAARD on November 24, 2022! The UK-based band brings a nuanced and contemporary reflection on a world turned upside down, embedded in the classic soul tradition of Bill Withers and Marvin Gaye. The band has a brand new album to show, so expect a powerful and unique show!

Voor liefhebbers van Marvin Gaye en Bill Withers
  • €25,00
  • Kleine Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:00

Support: Nao Yoshioka
Since her single ‘Make the Change’ was released in 2012, Nao Yoshioka has been lauded by several indie soul music veterans. With her latest single ‘Wave’, a chill R&B song with dreamy vocals comfortably intertwined with floating synthesizers, Nao has been exploring sounds familiar to R&B and Neo-Soul. Backed by production from Musicman Ty, (Alicia Keys, Mac Miller, and Snoop Dogg), Nao’s new album is set to be released in the first half of 2023. Check her out during the Mamas Gun show on November 24th at PAARD!