Tuesday 5 March 2019 2019

Masayoshi Fujita is a Japanese composer from Berlin. Masayoshi first learned how to play the drums, followed by an extensive vibraphone training to create and play his own compositions. Determined not to stick to traditional vibraphone styles or techniques and theories of composition, he seeks his own sound of vibraphone and new possibilities from which enchanting pieces of music emerge.




  • Kleine zaal met zitplaatsen
  • 19:30
  • 20:00

Masayoshi doesn’t only show the vibraphone on his album, but also violin, clarinet and accordion. The resulting new sounds, helping to expand the vibraphone spectrum without undermining the intrinsic character of the instrument. Inspired by the silence, the depth of the fog, the mountains and gravity inside, his music evokes images, spheres, landscapes and stories with the listener.

At the same time, he explores the beauty of the vibraphone and seeks the charm of the instruments. His recent collaboration with the German electronic musician Jan Jelinek received a lot of attention from experimental music fans all over the world.

Support: Anne Muller, a versatile cellist who participates in various musical worlds.

“ "Door de toetsen te beplakken met materialen als folie en metaal, en dankzij zijn niet traditionele speelwijze, geïnspireerd door jazz en elektronische muziek, verkent hij onbekende muzikale wateren." “

Niels Waarlo over zijn nieuwe album ‘Apologues’