Friday 30 September 2022 2022

Pleasenote: dueto COVID measuresthis show has been movedtothis new date. Allticketholderswillreceivean email. Ifyouhaven’treceivedanything, please get in touch via [email protected] 

What started as a project to discover the birthplace of Soul and R&B resulted in four Gospel romanticized albums. We are, of course, talking about; MICHELLE DAVID & THE TRUETONES. The latest album ‘The Gospel Session, vol 4’ is the most colorful and diverse album they have made to date. The band sticks to its true sound but continues to evolve by working more with different sounds on this album, and that sounds very good. On 30 September 2022 this swinging band will be in PAARD!

Voor liefhebbers van Michelle David
  • €20,50
  • Kleine Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:30

Over the past five years, the band has successfully embraced a variety of influences ranging from; traditional gospel to Afrofunk to Soul & Calypso and Moroccan Gnawa. these variations resulted in six albums that perfectly captured the journey’s discoveries. The band’s desire is to bring people the true message of music:LOVE, UNITY and COHERENCE!

This concert is a collaboration with ProJazz.



PAARD50 // 21 – 30 October
PAARD celebrates it’s 50th birthday in 2022 and we will honor that with a spectacular party week in October: PAARD50. From October 21, till October 30 during PAARD50 we will celebrate PAARD of the past, PAARD of the future and especially PAARD NOW.

More acts, program and information will follow! Read more at www.paard.nl/en/paard-50.

“ Never change a winning team en kom maar door met Vol. 5. “


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