Paardcafé: De Gijsjaradijsja Band

Friday 22 September 2023 2023

The Gijsjaradijsja Band plays hysterical pop. That means Dutch lyrics full of existential and social themes on tunes with electro and punk flavours, brought to a high tempo with an overload of information.

Alternative electro indie pop punk rock
  • Café
  • 20:00
  • 21:00

The band was formed around Gijsjaradijsja, who used to score huge internet hits with his poorly drawn Pokemon parodies. Nowadays he also releases a lot of music on his channel, such as the solo album ‘Corona songs’. Based on this material, the idea for De Gijsjaradijsja Band was born.
Gijsjaradijsja has opened up a serious can of musicians with veterans from bands like
Scotch, dr. Justice & The Smooth Operators, The Skaggerz, Worthless, Switch Bones, Cooper, Bazzookas and BluefisH. This colorful formation consists of drums, bass, guitar, samples, synthesizers, saxophone and accordion. The origins and development of De Gijsjaradijsja Band can be followed live in De Gijsjaradijsja De Bandvlog on YouTube.

One calls it cynical, the other having fun. Sasha Sailor calls it both. MusicMaker (Reportage ESNS): ‘It is one of the most energetic and exciting bands we have experienced in recent days. Everything moves and you can hardly stand still yourself. See the band live soon in the Melkweg, Paard and at Sniester Festival.