Friday 10 March 2023 2023

Pink Project presents Animals & Wish You Were Here.

The audience wants to hear Pink Floyd at its best, that is the goal of Pink Project the band! For more than a quarter of a century they have been able to impressively perform Pink Floyd’s musical legacy in theatres, pop venues/clubs, but also 5 x in the legendary Ahoy. The band will go on a club tour through the Netherlands, performing 2 iconic Pink Floyd albums, Animals & Wish You Were Here, live.

Complete with quadraphonic sound and a spectacular light show, it’s as if the legendary British band is still alive.


  • €33,00
  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:30

Pink Project The Band
Charles Dehue – Leadvocals
Ruud Verwijk – Leadguitars, leadvocals
Jason Waasdorp – Bass, Backingvocals
Arjan van Iperen – Drums
Giovanni Pepe – Keyboards
Hans Hendrik – Electric & acoustic guitars,
Konstantin Illiev – Saxophones, Keyboards
Jacqueline van der Heiden – Backing vocals
Angeline van Rossum – Backing vocals

“ What a fantastic performance. Moved to tears. Cover band is really an understatement. It's Pink Floyd 2.0...... “

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