In Kleine Zaal and Paardcafe

On Saturday, November 18, the Popronde returns to The Hague. For over 25 years, the Netherlands’ largest free music festival has been traveling the country. This year they selected 101 acts, of which 29 got a spot in The Hague. Download the timesquare app, grab your bike and come discover new music!

  • Kleine Zaal
  • 18:00
  • 19:00

The Popronde offers (as yet) unknown acts the opportunity to present themselves outside their own region and to gain intensive touring and performance experience. From metal to hip-hop, from singer-songwriter to drum ‘n bass, from rock to blues, almost every genre is represented.A selection process takes place every year.Acts that want to tour with the Popronde can apply from December 1. A selection committee then reviews all applications and selects the 100 or so acts from the more than 1,000 applications that will be part of that year’s program. Popronde is a showcase festival, not a competition.

Check out the full program on popronde.nl or download  app