Sunday 10 March 2024 2024

One of the most authentic wordsmiths of the Low Countries returns to The Hague. Girls, Je Veux de l’amour, Chachacha and Two Girls. It is just a selection from Raymond van het Groenewoud‘s oeuvre spanning more than 45 years. PAARD and AMARE invite him to play in Amare on March 10.

  • Amare
  • 20:15
  • 20:15

Decline, disappearance…. these are words that can be used to frame Raymond van het Groenewoud’s songs for a passer-by who has not yet had the chance to listen to them. On the fourth single of Raymond’s soon to be released new album we hear the emotion in 4K. It’s a song that fits perfectly with your next road trip. Admittedly a road trip with a vehicle that reaches a maximum speed of 70 km/h, driven by a driver with the ambition to cross as many beautiful landscapes as possible. Final destination unknown.

“ Via mail en in gesprekken viel me op hoe oprecht blij m’n vader was met zijn speelse arbeid. Het lijkt me een uitstekende startpositie om een plaat uit te brengen. “