Friday 2 December 2016 2016

Note! This Paard op Hol event will take place at the Nieuwe Kerk (Spui 167, 2511 BM Den Haag).

  • 18:30
  • 19:30


There are still a few tickets available at the door!


“You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. Maybe one day you will join us and the world will be one” -John Lennon- 

It’s well known that Sabrina Starke is a dreamer, a Singer-soulwriter on a social mission. It’s her mission to use her creativity and talents to affect social change. Music is her strongest weapon. That’s why her new show “Imagine” is so special. The perfect arena to take the audience on a journey and to start this musical conversation about the state of the world today. This in the hope to inspire and to touch them.

In an intimate acoustic band setting Sabrina Starke will perform the songs that have changed the world. Many songs have played a major role at critical times in our history. Music has often been used to bring people together. In times of injustice and social challenges, music has done what some governments weren’t able to do. It has been proven often enough that music has political and cultural impact on our world.

Therefore the next step in Sabrina’s mission has been made. She will bring a beautiful program that will guarantee to touch your heart and soul.

 Storytelling and songs of love, compassion and hope are the inspiration; People get ready (Curtis Mayfield), Get Up Stand Up (Bob Marley), Imagine (John Lennon) and Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) to name a few.

These songs will touch a nerve and force you to take a critical look at yourself. Sabrina will do so herself and share with the audience what her hopes and wishes are for the world. The most important question she wants to answer is: What can we do? Where do we stand? Can music change the world? 

In the words of John Lennon “I hope you will join us”.