Spindrift is a cinematically-driven, psychedelic western/rock band created by singer-songwriter-composer-producer Kirpatrick Thomas. After a career spanning over two decades, the group continue to create music, tour rigorously, and act as a mainstay in the independent film and music scene.
Founded in 1992, Spindrift originated in Newark, DE and moved to Los Angeles, CA in 2001 where they re-formed. The early East Coast version of the band was experimentally driven, but inspired by their locale, the band began a new stylistic approach evoking the spirit of the Old West as mythologized by Western Cinema, Spaghetti Westerns in particular.
They currently have five full length albums available. They have toured the U.S., Canada, and Europe with bands such as The Dandy Warhols, The Black Angels, Dead Meadow, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Black Mountain, and are featured on many soundtracks and films such as Quentin Tarantino flick ‘Hell Ride’.
This European tour they will play semi-acoutisc songs from their new album “Ghost of the West”, next to their traditional spaghettiwestern songs. The release of album is accompanied by the release of a movie with the same name, in which they travel across the far reaches of the Western US and play old traditional Western tunes in ghost towns, deserts and historic places of Western lore.
While Blaak Heat Shujaa’s can rock out harder than many stoner rock and metal outfits, the Blaak Heat members pay homage to the vast collection of mind-expanding sounds they grew up on: neo-psychedelia, surf rock, spaghetti westerns, Middle Eastern scales and Far Eastern melodies. The thickest, most colourful bass lines coexist with flying reverb guitars, while ethereal yet in-your-face chants and loud, tribal drums join forces and make way for a unique breed of rock ’n ’roll: heavy mental.
For one night Spindrift and Blaak Heat Shujaa will turn Paard Van Troje into a real life film set in which they take us with them on a journey that encounters cowboys, Indians, the burning sun and the untamed West.