Friday 24 May 2013 2013

Again, we will be selling our souls to the devil. Splendid, the cheery band from The Hague with it’s up tempo pop music puts reggae, soul and rock into the mix and is eager to drive the crowd wild once again. This year the band will be releasing a new album with some fresh tunes to build a massive pit on a summer night.

  • Grote zaal
  • 17:30
  • 18:30

This cutting edge music has been widely accepted within the surf and reggae scene for years now. You will be dancing, jumping, screaming and sweating: guaranteed by Splendid. They even played on Trafalgar Square and managed to drive a 25.000 men counting crowd nuts.

But loosing your mind is perfectly doable here in The Hague. Together with front man Patrick Schmitz his band members will provide you with a nice layer of pre-summer madness. Backing vocalists Laura and Janneke Nijhuijs and Madeleine van Geuns present to you the audiovisual pleasure a summer night requires. When Jort en Bart Goderie jump up on the stage with their horns, joined by Bart Janssen and Robin Veldman with their keyboards we are ready to get messy. A new album, (hopefully) a hot summer, what more could you wish for?

Get your surfboards out, put your sunglasses on and pump up the volume while  spinning some Splendid tracks on your way to the perfect summer night.