SYMPHONIC JUNCTION: Residentie Orkest met Roos Meijer

Sunday 4 June 2023 2023

Songwriter and musician Roos Meijer is the type you need to change the world: talented, creative and interested in social issues. The time has come for the Residentie Orkest to offer this young talent a stage in PAARD. Live she leaves a big impression with her dynamic set, special stories, distinctive writing style and pure performance. For this special evening her songs will be played in an orchestral version. Expect melancholy alt-folk that touches the heart, and that in a classic jacket

  • €21,50
  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:00
  • 20:15

From an early age Meijer has felt the urge to express herself through music and word. She lends her music to unheard of stories from people all over the world. Her EP ‘Maktub’ was about refugees and for her debut album – expected in November 2021 – she was inspired by conversations she had with ‘changemakers’; people who actively contribute to society.

“ Op de EP worden kwetsbare en indringende verhalen verteld onder de begeleiding van een mengelmoes aan westerse en oosterse klanken, de samenkomst van haar belevenissen in Griekenland. Onheilspellende altviolen, de tokkel van een akoestische gitaar en de prachtige stem van Roos Meijer die zich een weg baant door het kale landschap van de instrumentatie. “

The Daily Indie