Friday 16 September 2016 2016
After three full years of full musical dedication, the era of The Hague based band Taymir has come to an end. With the upcoming album ‘You already know’, Taymir will go out with a bang. Their very last show will be held at the place where it all started: Paard van Troje. Taymir was born in the summer of 2013, when Bas Prins, Mikkie B. Wessels, Quinten Meiresonne and Harrie Roelse decided to start a band and conquer the world. They recorded their debut album ‘Phosphene’ in the Basementstudio and just when single ‘Aaaaah’ was released, things started to accelerate rapidly. ‘Aaaaah’ became Megahit on radio station 3FM, what led to a full festival season of 45 festivals in 2014 alone. The band toured extensively through Germany, France, Switserland, Austria, England and even the United States. All good things must pass and so does Taymir. Don’t miss out on this very last show.