Saturday 28 January 2023 2023

The Dirty Daddies are coming to PAARD in full uniform to present their new show during: ‘The best tour EVER tour’. An evening-filling musical spectacle where all boundaries are explored and even crossed. Everything you want to hear when you’re drunk at a festival, but then wonderfully indoors in beautiful The Hague. Ticket sales start on Thursday 5 May at 12:00 pm. Let’s Get Dirty!

  • €28,00
  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:00
  • 19:30

These blistering seven have been raging through the party tents, festivals and clubs for more than seven years and provide an unparalleled party explosion everywhere. Add an arsenal of special effects and you know enough: take cover and Let’s Get Dirty.

“ ''De beste coverband van Nederland'' “

Giel Beelen