Eartheater (Alexandra Drewchin), queen of the ambience, is leaving her throne on September the 22th for an exciting performance in The Hague. This concert will be the first in a new Concertseries: ‘VESSEL’.
VESSEL: Container. Ship. Transport.
A series of one-off performances of national and international underground artists in front of a select audience. VESSEL takes place at hidden locations throughout the city that will be used only once: VESSEL is Now or Never.
The concerts are raw, odd and unpolished: VESSEL is not perfect, VESSEL is real. VESSEL will be taped, recorded and broadcasted.
Update: VESSEL1 will take place in ‘De Blauwe Kamer‘ (The Blue Room) right above bistro Hoender & Hop, at the Grote Markt. All the way in the back of Hoender & Hop, the stairs will take you to ‘De Blauwe Kamer’. Your E-ticket can be scanned there. As long as it’s not sold out, you can buy a ticket at the entrance of The Blue Room.
The American beauty released two brilliant albums, whose ‘Rip Chrysalis’ got chosen for #10 Album of the year by FACT Magazines. However Drewchin has left her psych-act Guardian Angel behind, you can still name her voice like a choir of angels; high, almost crying, but mostly unearthly beautiful.
Tonight she will cross a psychedelic path, armed with her guitar, her pedals and amazing voice. You will wander through beautiful soundscapes – almost filmic soundtracks – on a travel along slo-mo hiphop, ambient and acoustic folklore. It remains a mystery where the location of the performance will be, but wherever it may be, Eartheater leaves you stunned behind.
Fetter is the musical moniker of artist Jessica Tucker. With her voice so soft as an angel choir and her seductive rhythms, she created her own style. Fetter will challenge you to dance on her promising music.
Deze Eartheater show is the first in the new concert series VESSEL.
Tonight’s entracne is FREE for TodaysArt (with day- or weekendticket). Get your Todaysarticket
VESSEL is Sponsored by Budgetcam, who helped us out with some great gear: